All Roads Lead Home by Kim McCully-Mobley
The Ozarks is a region with a rich history, colorful people and a tenacity in spirit that remains unmatched. This platform will be used to help preserve, promote and protect our stories, our traditions, our passions and the personalities of the people we serve. We all know, at the end of the day, All Roads Lead Home.
All Roads Lead Home by Kim McCully-Mobley
Paying Tribute To Honor, Sacrifice & Service
Kim McCully-Mobley
We celebrated our heritage, patriotism and people quite nicely on Saturday, November 9th, at the Aurora Houn' Dawg Alumni & Outreach Center.
We dedicated our two most recent mural panels--that are perched on the north side of the Alumni Center resting proudly as folks drive by on Highway 39.
The panels commemorate our community's roles in past wars and conflicts, as well as the honor, sacrifice and service displayed on a regular basis by our first responders.
We tied our celebration and dedication to the week of Veterans Day, but rest assured---we'll be celebrating all year long.